12th Chemistry chapter 14 Bihar board with NCERT-Details & Highlights
name of content | 12th Chemistry chapter 14 full solution |
content | Chemistry objective type MCQ question with answer |
name of subjects | class 12 Chemistry |
important for exam | Bihar board & other state board |
pattern & Level | NCERT & State level question |
12th Chemistry chapter 14 all objective solutions – download PDF
- (A) Trios
- (B) Tetros
- (C) Pentose
- (D) Hexose
- (A) Glucose
- (B) Fructose
- (C) Maltose
- (D) Sucrose
- (A) Carbohydrate
- (B) Lipids
- (C) Protein
- (D) none of these
- (A) Vitamin B12
- (B) Vitamin A
- (C) Vitamin C.
- (D) Vitamin E
- (A) Cellulose
- (B) Sucrose
- (C) Starch
- (D) Vitamins
- (A) enantiomer
- (B) Geometrical isomerism
- (C) Epimer
- (D) anomer
- ( A ) – NH2
- ( B ) -COOH
- ( C ) –GET
- (D) – NH 2 and – COOH
- (A) Fet +
- ( B ) Cott
- (C) Fet ++
- ( D ) CO3 +
- (A) FACT
- ( B ) ONLY
- ( C ) FUCK UP
- ( D ) C6H4 – FOR
- (A) Lysine
- (B) Histidine
- (C) Bhalin
- (D) alanine
Bihar Board 12th chemistry chapter 14 mcq solution
- (A) Lysine
- (B) Histidine
- (C) Annenine
- (D) Tryptophan
- (A) Lactose
- (B) starch
- (C) Cellulose
- (D) fructose
- (A) lactose
- (B) Maltose
- (C) Glucose
- (D) Fructose
- (A) Glucose + fructose
- (B) Sucrose + Glucose
- (C) Glucose + Maltose
- (D) lactose + maltose
- (A) Amylopectin
- (B) Maltose
- (C) Glycogen
- (D) Amylose
- (A) fibrous
- (B) spherical
- (C) Maltose
- (D) all
- (A) Glucose
- (B) Fructose
- (C) Maltose
- (D) lactose
- (A) Glucose
- (B) Ribose
- (C) Fructose
- (D) deoxyribose
BSEB 12th chemistry chapter 14 most objective solution
- (A) Linear
- (B) branched
- (C) single thread
- (D) double helix
- (A) Guanine
- (B) cytosine
- (C) Thiamine
- (D) adenine
- ( A ) A
- ( B ) C
- ( C ) B12
- (D) E
- (A) Protein
- (B) Chlorophyll
- (C) Hemoglobin
- (D) DNA
- ( A ) B12
- (B) DNA
- (C) RNA
- (D) fat
- (A) Tollens reagent
- (B) Fehling’s solution
- (C) Ninhydrin
- (D) Iodine
- (A) Starch
- (B) Cellulose
- (C) Glycogen
- (D) all
- (A) -amino acid
- (B) -amino acid
- (C) a-hydroxy acid
- (D) -hydroxy acid
- (A) amino acid
- (B) amine
- (C) Ammonia
- (D) none of these
- ( A ) 5
- ( B ) 6
- ( C ) 3
- ( D ) 4
most mcq notes 12th chemistry chapter 14
- ( A ) A
- ( B ) B
- ( C ) D
- ( D ) C
- ( A ) K
- ( B ) A
- ( C ) D
- (D) E
- (A) Thiamine
- (B) Uracil
- (C) cytosine
- (D) Guanine
- (A) Vitamins
- (B) hormones
- (C) Enzyme
- (D) DNA
- (A) ascabanic
- (B) Rutinol
- (C) Calsopherol
- (D) Tocopherol
- ( A ) C2H22011
- ( B ) C10H1809
- ( C ) C10H20011
- ( D ) C18H32011
- (A) Fe (II)
- ( B ) CO ( III )
- (C) Zn (II)
- (D) Ca (II)
- (A) Mannose
- (B) galactose
- (C) Maltose
- (D) fructose
- (A) Sucrose
- (B) Maltose
- (C) lactose
- (D) Cellulose
- (A) Fructose
- (B) starch
- (C) Glucose
- (D) Cellulose
Important most mcq solution 12th chemistry chapter 14
- (A) ethereal linkage
- (B) Easter linkage
- (C) Peptide linkage
- (D) all of these
- (A) Easterization
- (B) Dehydration
- (C) saponification
- (D) Alkalization
- (A) DNA
- (B) starch
- (C) Palmitate
- (D) Insulin
- (A) -COOH group
- ( B ) -NH , group
- (C) -CH3 group
- (D) Both ‘ A ‘ and ‘ B ‘
- (A) Vitamin E
- (B) Vitamin K
- (C) Vitamin B
- (D) Vitamin D
- (A) Beri – Beri
- (B) night blindness
- (C) Rickets
- (D) Scurvy
- ( A ) 6
- ( B ) 4
- ( C ) 7
- ( D ) 2
- (A) Glucose
- (B) fructose
- (C) Sucrose
- (D) none of these
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Bihar board 12th Chemistry chapter 14 complete objective
12th Chemistry objective: we have covered all mcq type objective question of 12th Chemistry chapter 14 on this post, and I hope it will be helpful your board exam. now its time to share it with your friends, and also suggest me what you need.

chapter 14 Chemistry objective question
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Bihar board 12th science stream subjects wise solution
click here to check out Bihar board science stream all subjects solutions
SL.N. | Subject name with solutions |
01 | Physics |
02 | Chemistry |
03 | Biology |
04 | Math |
05 | Hindi |
06 | English |