Bihar board English model paper set 9 class 12 : प्रत्येक वर्ष बिहार बोर्ड अपना नया मॉडल पेपर जारी करता है जिस से हमें परीक्षा की पूरी पैटर्न की जानकारी मिल जाती है और साथ ही उन मॉडल पेपर से बहुत सरे प्रश्न परीक्षा में पूछ लिया जाता है। इस से हमें यह पता चल जाता है की मॉडल पेपर हमारे लिए कितना जरुरी है तो इस लिए हम इस इस पोस्ट में बिहार बोर्ड अंग्रेजी का मॉडल सेट 9 को हल करेंगे जिसमे 100 ऑब्जेक्टिव प्रश्न रहेगा|

Bihar board English model paper class 12 Set – 9
MODEL SET – 9 | ||
TIME :- 3 HOURS 15 minutes | FULL MARK – 100 | |
समय :- 3 घंटे 15 मिनट | English (अंग्रेजी) | पूर्णांक – 100 |
निर्देश : प्रश्न संख्या 1 से 100 तक प्रत्येक प्रश्न के चार विकल्प दिये गये हैं , जिनमें से एक सही है | आपको किन्हीं 50 प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने हैं | अपने द्वारा चुने गये सही विकल्प को ओ० एम० आर० शीट पर चिन्हित करें |
1.What are you ………… about ? (Choose the correct tense form)
(A) talk
(B) talking
(C) will talk
(D) talk
2.She will be ………. me tomorrow.(Choose the correct tense forms)
(A) meet
(B) met
(C) meeting
(D) has meet
3.She ………… six books on Indian Mythology.(Choose the correct tense forms)
(A) have written
(B) has written
(C) will written
(D) be written
4.My brother did not …………. her.(Choose the correct tense forms)
(A) chose
(B) choosing choose
(D) chosen
5.Ice …………. into water by heat.(Choose the correct tense forms)
(A) turns
(B) turn
(C) tumed
(D) has turned
- I …… some runs. (Choose the correct tense forms)
(A) get
(B) am get (C) are got
(D) None of these
- Neeraj worte this letter yesterday. (Choose the correct passive voice) (A) Yesterday was written letter by Neeraj
(B) This letter is written by Neeraj yesterday
(C) This letter was written by Neeraj yesterday
(D) This letter was wrote by Neeraj yesterday
8.Is he reading a book?
(Choose the best passive voice)
(A) Is reading done by him?
(B) Is a book being read by him?
(C) Is booking reading do by him?
(D) Reading a book done by him?
9.I helped him.
(Choose the best passive voice)
(A) He was helped by me.
(B) He is helped by me.
(C) He was being helped by me.
(D) He had helped by me.
10.Are you reading a book ? (Choose the best passive voice)
(A) A book is being read by you.
(B) Is a book being read by you ?
(C) Was a book being read by you?
(D) Is a book read by you ?
11.By whom was Munna beaten? (Choose the best active voice)
(A) Who beat Munna?
(B). How many beat Munna?
(C) Munna beat whom?
(D) Whom beating Munna?
12.They were seen quarrelling. (Choose the best active voice)
(A) We see them quarrel.
(B) We saw them quarrel.
(C) We were see them quarrel.
(D) We saw them quarrelling.
13.We saw him ………. (Choose the correct auxiliary verb)
(A) leave
(B) left
(C) will leave
(D) may leave
14.We …… to buy some furniture,
(Choose the correct auxiliary verb)
(A) must
(B) ought
(C) should
(D) could
15.We …………. qualify this year.(Choose the correct auxiliary verb)
(A) may
(B) might
(C) can
(D) could
16.He……… not offer sympathy.(Choose the correct auxiliary verb)
(A) dare
(B) need
(C) could
(D) should
17.He …… come tomorrow. (Choose the correct auxiliary verb)
(A) may
(B) dare
(C) need
(D) None of these
18.Man is mortal. (Choose the suitable negative sentences)
(A) Man is not immortal.
(B) Man is never mortal.
(C) Man does not mortal.
(D) Man will not be mertal.
- She is wise.
(Choose the suitable negative sentences)
(A) She is not wise.
(B) She is not foolish.
(C) She does not wise.
(D) She has never been wise.
- As soon as he saw the tiger, he fled.
(Choose the suitable negative sentences)
(A) As soon as he saw the tiger, he did not flee.
(B) No sooner did he see the tiger than he fled.
(C) No sooner he saw the tiger than he fled.
(D) As soon as he did not see the tiger, he fled.
21.He is as good as Mohan.
(Choose the suitable negative sentences)
(A)’ Mohan is not better than he.
(B) He is not to good as Mohan.
(C) He does not have a good as Mohan.
(D) Mohan is not as good as he.
- I met an old man. He was very poor.
(Choose the suitable combination)
(A) I met an old man who was very poor.
(B) The man was poor and old that I met.
(C) Poor was the man I met and old also.
(D) The old man was poor and I met him.
23.He saw a lion. He went away.(Choose the suitable combination)
(A) Seeing a lion he went away.
(B) He went away to see a lion.
(C) He had gone away seeing a lion.
(D) He had seen a lion and went away.
- I am tired ………… waiting for him.
(Choose the suitable preposition)
(A) with
(B) by
(C) of
(D) from
25.I am not familiar …… the subject. (Choose the suitable preposition) (A) at
(B) on
(C) in
(D) with
- Call me …… an hour. (Choose the suitable preposition)
(A) at
(B) in
(C) for
(D) to
27.His mother died ……….. Cholera.(Choose the suitable preposition) . (A) of
(B) from
(C) to
(D) in
- ……… me he was sitting, (Choose the suitable preposition)
(A) Besides
(B) Beside
(C) At
(D) From
- Leaves are falling ……………. the tree.
(Choose the suitable prepost ose the suitable preposition)
(A) from
(B) for
(C) of
(D) off
- He is blind …… one cye.
(Choose the sultable preposition)
(A) in
(B) with
(C) to
(D) for
- Choose the correct sentence :
(A) Junior employees need advice from their bosses now and then.
(B) Junior employees need an advice from their bosses now and then,
(C) Junior employees need an advise from their bosses now and then.
(D) Junior employees needs an advice from their bosses now and then.
- (A) There are less students in the class today.
(Choose the correct sentences)
(B) There are fewer students in the class today.
(C) Students fewer in class today.
(D) Students less in class today.
- (A) All the mankind should be happy.
(Choose the correct sentences)
(B) Mankind happy should be.
(C) Should be happy all mankind.
(D) All mankind should be happy.
- (A) She lives to an apartment. (Choose the correct sentences)
(B) She lives in an apartment.
(C) She lives of an apartment.
(D) She lives on an apartment.
- Choose the correct sentence (Choose the correct sentences)
(A) How many people are in your family ?
(B) How many families do you have?
(C) How big your family?
(D) How big have your family.
- Dr. M.M.Jha is …… university professor.(Choose the best article)
(A) an
(B) a
(C) the
(D) None of these
- She plays ……. tennis very well. (Choose the best article)
(A) a
(B) an
(C) the
(D) None of these
- – John reads …………. Geeta everyday. (Choose the best article)
(A) a
(B) an
(C) the
(D) None of these
- This room is full of …………. smoker. (Choose the best article)
(A) a
(B) an
(C) the
(D) None of these
- She is …… hour late. (Choose the best article)
(A) an
(B) a
(C) the
(D) None of these
- We arrived on …… fourth of July: (Choose the best article)
(A) the
(B) a
(C) an
(D) None of these
42.Choose the correctly spelt word :
(A) Confes
(B) Conffes
(C) Confess
(D) Conface
- Choose the correctly spelt word
(A) oceon
(B) Pation
(C) ocean
(D) ocean
- Choose the correctly spelt word
(A) tuiton
(B) tuition
(C) tusion
(D) tuition
45.Choose the correctly spelt word
(A) beleif
(B) belief
(C) belef
(D) bilief
- Choose the correctly spelt word
(A) presumption
(B) prejumption
(C) preyjumption
(D) praysumption
- Choose the correctly spelt word
(A) secretry
(B) Secretary
(C) secratory
(D) secretory
- Choose the correctly spelt word
(A) genuine
(B) gennuine
(C) genune
(D) gennune
- Measles …… a dangerous disease.(Choose the most correct option) (A) have
(B) has
(C) is
(D) are

- The number of girls …… thirty.(Choose the most correct option)
(A) has
(B) is
(C) are
(D) have
- Either you or Mohan …… done it.(Choose the most correct option) (A) have
(B) has
(C) is
(D) are
- What …… I to do now. (Choose the most correct option)
(A) am
(B) is
(C) are
(D) was
- Manu and I …….. the hosts of the party.
(Choose the most correct option)
(A) was
(B) were
(C) can
(D) have
- He ordered me to leave the country at once.
(Choose the correct direct speech)
(A) He said, “Leave the country at once.
(B) He says, “Leave the country at once.
(C) He said to me, “Leave the country at once.
(D) He will say to me, “Leave the country at once.
- Arun said, “How will you do it.”(Choose the correct indirect speech)
(A) Arun said how to do it.
(B) Arun says how he do it.
(C) Arun asked how he would do it.
(D) How to do it asks Arun.
- She said to me, “Thank you.”(Choose the correct indirect speech) (A) She thanked me.
(B) She told me thank.
(C) She had said to thank you.
(D) She told to thank me.
- Mona said to Amar, “Where are my books ?”
(Choose the correct indirect speech)
(A) Mona told Amar where are my books.
(B) Mona asked Amar where her books were.
(C) Mona asked Amar that where her books were.
(D) Mona says to Amar where his books were.
- Sanjana said that she could do that.(Choose the correct direct speech)
(A) Sanjana says that she will do this.
(B) Sanjana is saying that she will do it.
(C) Sanjana said that she could do that.
(D) Sanjana may say that she could be doing this.
- Rahman forbade me to smoke there.
(Choose the correct direct speech)
(A) Rahman said, “Smoke here.”
(B) Rahman said, “Don’t smoke here.”
(C) Rahman said, “Didn’t smoke here.”
(D) Rahman says, “Don’t smoke here.”
- He said, “Be quiet and listern to my words”..
(Choose the most suitable indirect speech)
(A) He urged them to be quiet and listen to his words
(B) He urged them and said be quiet and listen to words
(C) He said they should be quiet and listen to his words.
(D) He said you should be quiet and listen to my words
61…… is known as the Father of the Nation or Baru.
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Jawahar Lal Nehr
(C) Sanlar Patel
(D) Lal Bahadur Shashtri
62.Dr. Zakir Hussain took the Oath as the ……..
(A) President
(B) Governor
(C) Minister
(D) Mayor
63……. was the role model of Dr. Zakir Hussain.
(A) Dr. Radha Krishnan
(B) Dr. Rajendra Pd.
(C) Indira Gandhi
(D) Sardar Patel
64.Ratiram was the son of ……
(A) Sohanlal Ratiram
(B) Mohanlal Ratiram
(C) Devanlal Ratiram
(D) Herolal Ratiram
- How many day’s leave had been taken by Malgaonkar?
(A) Three days
(B) two days
(C) four days
(D) five days Who said,
- “My children will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.”
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(C) Martin Luther King Jr.
(D) H. E. Bates
- Have a Dream is written by …..
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(C) Matrin Luther King Jr.
(D) H. E. Bates
- Ideas That Have Helped Mankind is written by
(A) Bertrand Russell
(B) Shiga Naoya
(C) Germaine Geer
(D) Pearl S Buck
- “You are an idiot.” – Who said this to Seibei?
(A) his mother
(B) his aunt
(C) his father
(D) his teacher
- The porter sold the gourd of Seibei for …… yen.
(A) 40
(B) 50
(C) 60
(D) 10
- Who visits mother’s house as a reward of pregnancy?
(A) Sylhet woman
(B) Punjabis woman
(C) Bihari woman
(D) Odishi woman
- In Bangladesh …… is a kind of fairy tales.
(A) Rupthoka
(B) Supthoka
(C) Tupthoka
(D) Jupthoka
- How free is the press is ………….
(A) an essay
(B) a short story
(C) a drama
(D) a fiction
- The …… Press is, under ordinary conditions, singularly free.
(A) Indian
(B) European
(C) Chinese
(D) British
- Benjy bought the land from ..
(A) Peter
(B) Sanders
(C) George
(D) John
- The Earth is written by ……
(A) Pearl S Buck
(B) HE Bates
(C) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(D) Mahatma Gandhi
77.Pearl S Buck blames the ……… for the ills and misfortunes of India. (A) zamindars
(B) industrialists
(C) Britishers
(D) Indians
78, Pearl S. Buck is an …… writer.
(A) British
(B) American
(C) Indian
(D) European
- “That there’s some corner of a foreign field’ – is from:
(A) An Epitaph
(B) The Soldier
(C) Macavity
(D) Song of Myself
- The first …… lines are called octave.
(A) 6
(B) 8
(C) 9
(D) 5
81.T.S.Eliot is a ….., poet.
(A) Twentieth Century
(B) Eighteenth Century
(C) Seventeenth Century
(D) Sixteenth Century
- Macavity is an ………..
(A) outlaw
(B) criminals
(C) Looter
(D) diplomat
- R. K. Narayan has written ……
(A) Pinch of Snuff
(B) The Guide
(C) Train to Pakistan
(D) Savitri
- Let not thy divining heart; Forthinke me any ill – is from:
(A) Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe
(B) The Soldier
(C) Song of Myself
(D) Fire-Hymn
- Who was forced to leave Oxford University without a degree?
(A) Walt Whitman
(B) W.H. Auden
(C) John Donne
(D) None of these
- . ‘I harbour for good or bad, I permit to speak at every hazard’- is from:
(A) Snake
(B) Song of Myself
(C) An Epitaph
(D) The Soldier
- Song of Myself is written by ……
(A) Walt Whitman
(B) Walter de la Mare
(C) Rupert Brooke
(D) John Donne
- And the nightingale is dumb’ – is from:
(A) Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast
(B) Snake
(C) Fire-Hymn
(D) To Autumn
89.”Nurses flowers will not last’ is form …..
(A). The Soldier
(B) Fire-Hymn
(C) Now the Leaves Are Falling Fast
(D) To Autumn
(D) To Autumn
- Keats is a …… poet.
(A) Romantic
(B) War
(C) Metaphysical
(D) Melancholic
- …… was a Poet of Nature.
(A) DH Lawrence
(B). TS Eliot
(C) John Keats
(D) None of these
- Who has written a number of poems for children?
(A) Walter De la Mare
(B) TS Eliot
(C) DH Lawrence
(D) None of these
- Ravindra Nath Tagore wrote …
(A) Geetanjali
(B) Savitri
(C) Macbeth
(D) The cup
- “The god of small Things’ is written by
(A) Anita Desai
(B) Kamala Das
(C) Toru Dutt
(D) Arundhati Roy
- Keki N. Daruwala is an …… poet.
(A) British
(B) American
(C) African
(D) Indo-Anglian
96.Snake is written by
(A) John Donne
(B) Kamala Das
(C) DH Lawrence
(D) Walt Whitman
- DH Lawrence belonged to …
(A) Britain
(B) France
(C) America
(D) None of these
- My Grand Mother’s House is written by …..
(A) Kamala Das
(B) DH Lawrence
(C) Keki N Daruwala
(D) John Donne
- ‘Mac Fleckone’ is written by …..
(A) John Dryden
(B) Alexander Pope
(C) Lord Byron
(D) John Keats
- Who were known as the University wits?
(A) Elizabethan scholars
(B) Victorian scholars
(C) Indian scholars
(D) British scholars
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